Sunday, June 7, 2009

Changing table

I really don't understand people who change their babies on the floor or on a bed. After the birth, I could hardly move for weeks, even less knell on the floor with the baby. And I don't think I could have waken up Hubby every time I had to change Max in the middle of the night.
So, invest in a changing table, your back (and your Hubby) will thank you.
In the US, the baby will be on his side. In Europe, the baby will be facing you. I liked the Ikea Hemnes cabinet: it is so big, you can have the baby either facing you or on his side.
Stokke offers a changing table that faces the parents.
Note: According to BabyCenter, Consumer Reports Guide to Baby Products says the flip-open tops changing tables can cause the entire chest to topple when you place a baby's weight on the outer edge.

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